The TATA Group is India's largest and most respected business house. The group's interests span over several businesses including automobiles, steel, chemicals, tea, information technology and hospitality. Its turnover of US$ 103.3 billion has been built on a century of commitment to the customer. Today the name of TATA is synonymous with trust - LEADERSHIP WITH TRUST.


Rallis, A TATA Enterprise, has signed the TATA Brand Equity Promotion Agreement (BE-BP) which ensures common brand identity, quality and business excellence standards across companies of the Group. All signatories to the Agreement are annually reviewed against a particular set of stringent criteria for JRD-Quality Value, a unique application and review process.

The criteria for review are defined, and the implementation monitored by the TBEM, a model consisting of business performance processes related to Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis & KM (Knowledge Management), Workforce Focus, Operation Focus and Business Performance. These criteria attempt to institutionalize our approach to impel performance and attain higher efficiency levels in all spheres of corporate functioning. Such an organized approach enables TATA companies to successfully face all challenges and be globally competitive.

Our commitment to the Agreement is complete. We are aware of the benefits of implementing the TBEM processes and have set up a formal structure to ensure compliance. We also conduct training programs and workshops to help our staff understand the processes and oversee their implementation.

As a result of our continuous journey on path of excellence, we won the prestigious JRDQV award in year 2011 and CII-EXIM prize for Business Excellence in year 2012.

We have also adopted the TATA Code of Conduct, Values of Integrity, Unity, Excellence, Pioneering and Responsibility. TCOC attempts to instill positive organizational behavior to enhance shareholder value, inculcate business ethics and reiterate our promise towards excellence, leadership and trust. It provides clarity of purpose and directs us to maintain the highest standards of Corporate Governance. You can use any of below channel for raising Ethical concern.

New Third Party Ethics Helpline

By Telephone:

India Toll-free at: 1800-102-6969

USA Toll-free at: 888-436-0393

Other Geographies - Toll : +91 - 9595146146

By Email:

By Webportal:

By Fax: +91 - 9699995411

By Post: C/o Integrity Matters, Unit1211,CENTRUM,Plot NoC-3,S.G.BarveRoad, Wagle Estate, Thane West - 400 604, Maharashtra, India


Click here to download TATA Code Of Conduct.

Click here to download Code of Conduct for Non-Executive Directors.

Click here to download Ethics Governance structure.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy