Sonic Flo

Sonic Flo is a phenyl pyrazole insecticide which is effective for the management of sucking pests and caterpillar pests.


  • Sonic Flo has both contact and ingestion activity.
  • Cessation of feeding, may be noted soon after treatment.
  • Excellent residual control after foliar application.
  • Plant Growth Enhancement (PGE) effect in many crops.
  • It is an excellent thripicide.

Specification - Fipronil 5% SC

Crop and Target Diseases Rice Green Leaf Hopper, Gall midge, Whorl Maggot, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Brown Plant Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper
  Chilli Thrips, Aphids and Fruit Borer
  Cabbage Diamond-backmoth
  Sugarcane Early Shoot Borer and Root Borer
  Cotton Aphid, Jassid, Thrips, White Fly, & Bollworms
Available Packsize: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L