Aquafert Fertigation Grapes

Customised fertigation products to improve yield, keeping quality along with ease of fertigation.

Customised water-soluble fertiliser

Crop Available Pack Size Dose g/acre Time Of Application Pruning Cycle Crop Stage
Grapes 10kg 10kg per acre 8 to 14 (2nd week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom, 15 to 21 (3rd week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom, 22 to 28 (4th week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom, 29 to 35 (5th week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom and 36 to 42 (6th week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom Fruit Pruning Bud burst to Bloom (up to 6 weeks after pruning)
Grapes 10kg 10kg per acre 43 to 49 (7th week), 50 to 56 (8th week), 57 to 63 (9th week) and 64 to 70 (10th week) Fruit Pruning Bloom shatter/ Berry set and Early Berry growth (7th to 10th week after pruning)
Grapes 10kg 5kg per acre 8 to 14 (2nd week), 15 to 21 (3rd week), 22 to 28 (4th week) and 29 to 35 (5th week) Foundation Pruning Pre-Bud differentiation (up to 5 weeks after pruning)
Grapes 10kg 5 kg per acre 36 to 42 (6th week), 43 to 49 (7th week), 50 to 56 (8th week) and 57 to 63 (9th week) Foundation Pruning Bud differentiation (6th to 9th week after pruning)